I’m Possible!

28 07 2014

“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!” ~Audrey Hepburn  (wow, check out the punctuation at the end of that one!)

“It always seems impossible until it is done.” ~Nelson Mandela

 Some things I’ve heard over the 21 years I’ve been in this career:

  • “The fax machine will always be the only way to send secure correspondence.  It’s impossible to do it with a computer.”
  • “It’s impossible to take a good digital picture – film is the only way to do quality photography.”
  • “It will never be possible to stream real-time video over the internet.”
  • “It will be impossible for our work relationship to recover from this conflict.”
  • “It’s impossible to conceive of counseling being done any way other than face-to-face.”
  • “It’s impossible to get an MBA with top grades, be a great full-time dad and father, and do a great job at work all at the same time.  Pick where you can live with the mediocrity – B’s get degrees, too.”

 Well, guess what?  It’s all possible.  The impossible word really is a gateway to possibilities.  As soon as someone says something is impossible, someone who hears that might just start working towards proving them wrong.  Let’s hear it for the stubborn leaders who say “why is it impossible?”!  They’re changing the world for the benefit of all of us.  Keep that in mind when one of your team brings you an idea where your first impression is to shut their impossible waste of time down.  Take the time to listen to them, and help them bring that vision to a possibility.   

 Speaking of Impossible…


Rubes cartoons used with permission. www.rubescartoons.com



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