Talking them off the ledge – then asking the same of your leader.

31 08 2016

“The truth is that there is no actual stress or anxiety in the world; it’s your thoughts that create these false beliefs.  You can’t package stress, touch it, or see it.  There are only people engaged in stressful thinking.” ~ Wayne Dyer

Some days, I’d laugh in the face of this quote, and other days, I might throw something at the screen.  If this is one of those days for you, keep in mind the words of wisdom of our fearless CEO – “Did anyone die?”.  This question is asked of me when he can tell that I’m stressed out about something that went wrong, or worrying that something bad was looking like it might happen.  It always snaps me back instantly to a relatively calm state.  Systems are down?  “Did anyone die?”  Oh, yeah… systems go down sometimes – we’ll get through it.

Leaders, keep this in mind when your team members are buggin’ out.  It’s your job to say “Don’t worry, I’ve got a plan.  Everything will be OK.”  You, as a leader, have to show your team that you’ve got it under control.  There’s nothing that can turn minor concern into a running-onto-the-runway panic (see LAX news story from earlier this week) than a wild-eyed leader screaming “What are we gonna do?!?!?!?”.  Leaders – Never let ‘em see you sweat.  Then, if necessary, go to your leader, and explain your concerns, so they can talk YOU off the ledge, too.  🙂

Speaking of anxiety…


Rubes cartoons used with permission.

Be afraid, Make a choice, Get it done!

27 05 2016

“I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with the fear.” ~ Rosa Parks

Wow, I love it when I stumble across a powerful quote like this one from Mrs. Parks.  I read it, and thought “Yup.  True Story.”  Whether you’re headed for your first battle, deciding to make a major life change (selling your house, moving away from Mom & Dads), or just decide to finally stand up to a poor leader and/or bully, you’ve probably experienced this truth.  When the worry, fretting, and fear is done, and you decide to DO IT, if you’re like me, you probably take a deep breath (maybe say a cuss word or 2), square your shoulders, and get on with it.

Leaders, when you’re debating a course of action with your team, be sure that you let everyone talk about what their concerns are.  Have a few devil’s advocates in the room, poke holes in the idea, ask how it can blow up… then make up your mind.  Once you’ve decided to do it, your job goes from “debate team leader” to “cheerleader”.  The decision is made.  From now on the attitude needs to be:  “Of course we’re going to get there!”  There will be obstacles, but you considered them, do deal with them.  Lead positively.  It will happen (even if you’re still a little worried in the back of your mind that it won’t).  Don’t let your team see your doubt, if you have any.  Never let them see you sweat.

Speaking of fear…


Rubes cartoons used with permission.

Never let them see you sweat.

24 09 2015

“As you move outside of your comfort zone, what was once the unknown and frightening becomes your new normal.” ~Robin Sharma

The first day at a new job – pretty exciting and terrifying, right?  You don’t know what the norms and rituals are.  You don’t know each of the new people’s strengths and weaknesses.  This stress quadruples when you’re brought in to lead a new team.  You wonder if you’re good enough, you wonder if THEY’RE good enough, it’s all unknown, new, exciting and terrifying.  Despite the stress, you can’t let them see you sweat!

6 months into the same job, and you’re humming along.  Sometimes it’s even BORING.  You start looking to take on more responsibility and look forward to new challenges.  You change things up to eek a little more efficiency out of some process.  Looking back at “the new guy” 6 months, ago, and you wonder why you were even worried about it.  Leaders, keep this in mind when asked to do something that you don’t think is even possible.  Not only is it possible, but you’ll look back through all that stress and wonder what the big deal was.

Speaking of  (para)normal…

Para Normal

Rubes cartoons used with permission.

Make a wake, but don’t show them your sweat.

30 12 2013

“Be like a duck.  Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath.” ~Michael Caine

 Michael was talking about how to be successful, and this also applies to leaders.  Be calm, even in the face of un-nerving scenarios.  “It’s going to be OK” should be your mantra.  At the same time, underneath it all, you need to be thinking of a solution, and acting on it.  If your staff sees their leader run screaming from the call center, they’re going to be right behind you.  People want to see a calm leader who has things under control, even if underneath things aren’t so in control.  If you get stuck for a solution, take your best guess, but move on it.  Ducks that aren’t moving never get to their destination.  Those moving in a good direction can correct course when they have better data. 

 In emergencies, be the last one on your team out the door (ensuring their safety).  And be calm as you exit.  This is the burden and joy of leadership.

 Speaking of duck…



Rubes Cartoons used with permission.